Message from the Principal:
Greetings Families of Madison Avenue Elementary School,
Thank you for a smooth start to a new school year. Academically rigorous teaching and learning is well underway with the continued implementation of Really Great Reading, Envision Math, engaging centers, and student use of iPads and Chromebooks for assessments during center time. Our staff is bringing energetic instructions and special activities to keep student interest strong in the weeks and months ahead. The month of September will involve universal screeners such as our Kindergarten iStation Assessment, DIBELS, NWEA MAP, and MVP to help us establish a baseline for how students are performing in Reading and Math. Student score reports will be shared with parents after each test administration so you can see your child's growth and movement toward proficiency. We recently had our AR kickoff, and students are already reading multiple books and taking their AR tests in the mornings. Our students are also earning Kingdom points for positive behavior to encourage the building of character and community through PBIS.
As a reminder, all parents are welcome to come eat lunch with their children on campus Monday through Friday starting Tuesday, September 3, 2024. We look forward to our Elementary School Night in the Jungle at the high school football game on September 20, 2024. We look forward to seeing as many of our MAE families supporting our elementary night at Madison Central High School. More info will be shared closer to the date regarding specifics for MAE's Night in the Jungle. Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Your Partner in Education,
Dr. Kristal Epting
Madison Avenue Elementary School
Exceptional Staff. Exceptional Students. Exceptional Community.
Be sure to save your receipt to turn in on Wednesday morning! The class with the highest total of receipts turned in wins a $50 gift card for their teacher!

Fundraiser packets containing all the information needed was sent home in student backpacks yesterday!
Each card costs $20 and can be used until July 31, 2025! The funds raised go toward funding the next phase of upgrading our playground!!

The Spirit Store is open until this Friday at Midnight!
Get those orders in!!!
Just click the image below to order!
MAE Night in the Jungle is September 20!! Watch folders for more information, including free student tickets to the game! Let's go cheer on our Jags!!

School Pictures will be taken on September 25th!
These individual photos will be used in the yearbook!

MAE's canned food drive will be from September 30, 2024- October 4, 2024

Go ahead and order your yearbook now!
You can got to and search for Madison Avenue to order now!
We would love any pictures you may take at future MAE events this year to include in the yearbook!
Please email them to and include the event name, the teacher name, and, if possible, the name of the students pictured.
Reminder for Second Graders:

Arts in the Classroom/Education Week - September 9th - 13th
Arts in the Classroom/Education week starts Sept 9th. This week is a national celebration recognizing the transformative power of the arts in education.

To celebrate this special week, MAE will highlight the following art forms in class:
Drama/Theater Arts
Media Arts
Visual Arts and Dot Day Celebration--(On Friday, be sure to wear polka dots to help celebrate International Dot Day)

BIG THANKS to our 2024-2025 Partners In Education!! We appreciate each and every donation in support of our school! Whether an in-kind donation or monetary donation, we promise that MAE PTO will use it to provide support for our students and teachers throughout the year!
If you or someone you know would like to be a Partner in Education,
please contact Amanda Gann, our Partners in Education Chair, at

Thank you to all who joined during our membership drive!
The PTO helps meet the needs of students, teacher, and administrators by raising funds and connecting parents to volunteer opportunities at the school! The PTO coordinates the Scholastic Book fair, designs the yearbook, fundraises, and provides newsletter with important updates to help parents stay informed of school events. The funds raised fully support the STEAM Lab, playground updates, monthly teacher and staff appreciation meals and activities, and much, much more!
It is not too late to join, and joining does not include any requirement to volunteer (though we always love a volunteer)!! to join!
Also, be sure to follow our Facebook page! Search for Madison Avenue Elementary PTO!!
