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Greetings MAE Family,


Fall has finally arrived. I hope all of our students enjoyed their fall break. We are happy to see students, staff, and families back with smiling faces and in anticipation of continued exciting learning experiences, field trips, and holiday celebrations to come. I encourage all men connected to our MAE family to come out for our Donuts with Dudes next week. Check the PTO calendar of events and teacher newsletters for specific dates and times for this event. Red Ribbon Week is also coming soon. More info will be shared with families regarding themed days for the week.


October involves change-change in weather with cooler temperatures, change in the colors of flowers, trees, and foliage. Change is happening everywhere-all the time. In the same regard, I challenge each of us to be aware of the ways our students are changing at this point in the school year. How is your child growing and changing academically and behaviorally? Two very important processes will happen soon to help answer this question.


Report cards are being sent home this week. Teachers will reach out soon regarding scheduling our fall parent/teacher conferences. I encourage you to take advantage of this time to talk about next steps to impact positive change in our students. It truly takes the whole village-home and school working together-to make our students as successful as they can be. I look forward to the growth and success our students will achieve in the months ahead.


In service of students, staff, & community


Dr. Kristal Pollard Epting


Holiday Heirlooms

It's "Holiday Heirloom Ornament" time!  From October 15th through October 25th, you can purchase a holiday ornament hand-painted by your very own child! These precious ornaments are the perfect accent for your family tree or gifts for family and friends!

Your children and Mrs. Ramsey will be hard at work to make sure these are ready in time to bring home soon. The cost is $5 each, and all proceeds will go toward purchasing art supplies for the MAE Art room 

An order form will go home with students on October 15th, and these special heirlooms can also be ordered online at

**If anyone is interested in helping pre-paint the brown background of the ornament (at home) or volunteering to help students with painting during your student's art period the week of October 28-November 1, please email


Donuts with Dudes-October 22, 23, 24


50th Day of School!

October 18th

This day marks 50 AMAZING days of school! Kids can dress up and flaunt around in their favorite '50s fashion. Don't forget to bring 50 cents to join in the fun at the "Sock Hop" in the halls that afternoon. The Sock Hop helps to fund our Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) events.


Red Ribbon Week - October 28th - November 1

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, the nation's oldest and largest drug awareness program, MAE students can celebrate their support for being Drug Free by participating in our "Drug Free Looks Like Me" effort.

There will be special dress up days and activities throughout the week. Stay tuned for more information....



Go ahead and order your yearbook now!

You can got to and search for Madison Avenue to order now!

We would love any pictures you may take at future MAE events this year to include in the yearbook! 

Please email them to and include the event name, the teacher name, and, if possible, the name of the students pictured.


BIG THANKS to our 2024-2025 Partners In Education!! We appreciate each and every donation in support of our school! Whether an in-kind donation or monetary donation, we promise that MAE PTO will use it to provide support for our students and teachers throughout the year!

If you or someone you know would like to be a Partner in Education,

please contact Amanda Gann, our Partners in Education Chair, at




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