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MAE Jag Blast, September 2022

Message from Principal:

Ahoy, Parents!

We've had a wonderful start to our school year. Thank you for all of your support! September will be a fun month with lots of unique learning opportunities for the students. Please check your weekly newsletters for upcoming events and mark your calendars. Also, look carefully through the skills your teacher will cover each week. Spending some time each evening to review skills and work on any assigned homework will pay off for your student. We have online platforms you can use for additional practice. Your child can access Dreambox, Moby Max, and Raz-Kids using their clever badge on their school issued device. Nothing takes the place of reading to and with your student, though. You can even start a writing journal so that students can write a comment about each story you read together. Thank you for making learning at home a priority. Please reach out to us with any questions about how you can support your child's learning at home. If you have any other questions, concerns, or ideas throughout the year, feel free to contact us.


Melissa Philley


Get your sea legs! Anchor's away!


Canned Food Drive - September 12-16

Join Jag zone schools in the fight against hunger! Please bring in canned food items from September 12th - 16th!

We will be accepting all canned: veggies, soups, fruits, beef stew, Vienna sausages, canned meats, tomato sauces, and macaroni and cheese.

The top 3 classes, one from each grade level, that bring in the highest number of cans will win a popsicle party!


Arts in the Classroom/Education Week - September 12-16

Arts in the Classroom/Education week starts Sept 12. This week is a national celebration recognizing the transformative power of the arts in education. To celebrate this special week, MAE will highlight the following art forms in class:

  • Monday - Music

  • Tuesday - Theater Arts

  • Wednesday - Media Arts

  • Thursday - Visual Arts and Dot Day Celebration

  • Friday - Dance


Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A - September 14th

Join us at Chick-Fil-A at 1873 Main Street, Madison from 5 - 8 pm.

Mention "MAE Spirit Night", when placing your order and 15% of our sales get donated back to our school!

How to participate:

1. Drive thru orders: Tell the cashier you're there for MAE Spirit Night, before your order is tendered.

2. CFA APP orders: Type MAE SPIRIT NIGHT in the special Instructions section.

*ALL ORDERS: Send the receipt with your child the next morning to give to the teacher. The class with the highest participation wins a Chick-Fil-A Nugget Party and a classroom grant from the PTO!


International Dot Day - Thursday, September 15th

Parents, please encourage your child to wear clothing with dots on it on Thursday, September 15th, in honor of International Dot Day. On this day, we celebrate the creativity that lives in all of us! For more information on The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, go to




Second Grade Fairy Tale Ball - September 16th

Once Upon a Time in a land far far away.....

the 2nd graders got to dress up on Fairy Tale Day!

The 2nd grade classes will end their Fairy Tale unit with a Fairy Tale Ball! Check your child's folder or contact your child's teacher for more details.


Scholastic Book Fair Day - September 19-23

Who's Invited? MAE Students as well as parents and grandparents (Parents and grandparents can join their children during their class's shopping time. Please stop by the office to sign in and get a visitor's sticker before joining the class in the library.) When can they shop? Regularly scheduled library day and time that week AND at FAMILY NIGHT*

Where? Our very own MAE Library

How to shop? eWallet: a secure, digital and cash-free way for your child to shop with ease. Cash also accepted. Go to to get started on an eWallet.

To setup a free eWallet account for your child, check out MAE's Scholastic Book Fair! Scroll to "eWallet" to get started and authorize a spending limit to have funds immediately available for your child to shop in-person or at the Virtual Fair.

Our annual book fair plays a vital role in library funding that benefits our entire school. Money raised is used to purchase new books for our library, fund our Bookflix educational subscription, new shelving, flexible seating and more. What a great and fun way for kids to purchase new books and support MAE!

*FAMILY NIGHT is Thursday, September 22nd, from 4:30 until 6:30 p.m.


School Picture Day - September 27th

Show us those amazing smiles!

Photos taken will be included in the 2021-2022 Yearbook and are available for ordering.

Order your child's yearbook online only at!


Donuts with Dudes - October 4-6

Save the date for Donuts with Dudes!

  • 2nd Grade - October 4th (7:45-8:15)

  • 1st Grade - October 5th (7:45-8:15)

  • Kindergarten - October 6th (7:45-8:15)


Land ho! We've spied these upcoming events:

  • Kindergarten Community Helper Day is September 30th.

  • Be on the lookout for Holiday Heirlooms forms coming home in October. Our cute little angels will be making cute little angel ornaments this year!!

  • The Cheese Straw Fall Fundraiser kick-off is October 3rd!

  • Custodian Appreciation Day is October 3rd!



Yard signs, t-shirts, and PTO memberships are on sale at the Jag Store. To shop, go to

Yard Signs!!

If anyone still needs a yard sign that

they've already paid for, please email

Abbie Koonce at

Have you joined the PTO yet? Visit us at

The next PTO meeting is at 12:30 on October 5th via Zoom.


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