MAE Jag Blast, October 2022

Message from Principal:
Hello MAE Families,
We are enjoying a wonderful fall here at MAE! It is such a joy to see all of our parents and grandparents inside the building again. I appreciate all of your continued support and want to tell you thank you for all you do at home and for us here at MAE.
October and November are very important months for us. Our funding is determined by the attendance record for those 2 months. Missing any day of school has a negative effect on your student's learning. Missing any day of school in October and November also has a negative effect on the amount of funding we get to buy instructional resources and learning materials. Please have your child here each day and on time unless they are ill, have a doctor's appointment, or you have some type of family emergency.
Report Cards are coming home October 13. Students must master assessed skills at 80% mastery to receive an M (for mastery) on the report card. Please look through all the assessed skills for this 9 weeks and the skills that will be assessed later this year. Please notice the required reading levels on the front of the report card. Your child's teacher will be setting up conferences soon, but please reach out with any questions concerning your child's progress and what you can do at home to support your child.
Finally, I'd like to ask for your support of our Cheese Straw Fundraiser. We just completed Phase 1 of our playground renovations, but we still need funds for Phase 2. We want to provide our students with the very best playground equipment and all of the funds raised in this sale will go toward that.
Once again, thank you for all you do. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or ideas.
Melissa Philley
Holiday Cheese Straw Fundraiser - October 7th - 20th!

This year's exclusive fall fundraiser will help us fund Phase 2 of the MAE playground! Our goal is to raise at least $35,000 to provide the best playground equipment for our students.

Packets to sell Mississippi Cheese Straw products, featuring a customized tin with artwork created by Mrs. Ramsey and MAE students, has been sent home. All money is due to the school the morning of Thursday, October 20.
Cheese Straws are great for family gatherings, parties, gift baskets and more!
Report Cards - October 13

Report Cards will be sent home on October 13th. Parents, please sign them and return them to school.
Holiday Heirlooms - now through October 20

It's "Holiday Heirloom Ornament" time! From now through October 20, you can purchase a holiday ornament hand-painted by your very own child! These precious ornaments are the perfect accent for your family tree or gifts for family and friends!
Your children and Mrs. Ramsey will be hard at work to make sure these are ready in time to bring home soon. The cost is $6 each or $5 each for 3 or more.
These special heirlooms can be ordered online at
Proceeds will go toward purchasing art supplies for the MAE Art room.
50th Day of School - October 17

This day marks 50 AMAZING days of school! Kids can dress up and flaunt around in their favorite '50s fashion. Don't forget to bring 50 cents to join in the fun at the "Sock Hop" in the halls that afternoon. The Sock Hop helps to fund our Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) events.
Pizza Shack Spirit Night - October 18

Join us at PIZZA SHACK
219 Garden Park Drive, Madison
PIZZA SHACK will give our school 100% of all the profits for sales from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm! THANK YOU, PIZZA SHACK!!!
Easy to participate:
1. Place your order.
2. Send the receipt with your child the next morning, to give to their teacher.
Field Trip to the Little Mermaid - October 20

Our students will attend The Little Mermaid at Madison Central on October 20! The field trip is paid for out of the activity fund. Don't forget to return your permission slips!
Red Ribbon Week - October 24-28
In honor of Red Ribbon Week, the nation's oldest and largest drug awareness program, MAE students can celebrate their support for being Drug Free by participating in our "Drug Free Looks Like Me" effort.

There will be special dress up days and activities throughout the week. Stay tuned for more information....
MAE night at the Madison Central High School Homecoming Game - October 28

Get your Blue and Orange on, and Show your school spirit and support to MCHS!
On October 28th, Madison Central High School Jaguars will take on the Murrah Mustangs at their home stadium located at 1417 Highland Colony Pkwy.
Each student will receive a free ticket for the game that night, but all other family members must pay to get in the game. Tickets can be purchased the week of the game beginning that Monday, October 24th, at 8:00 am on GoFan ( or you can use cash at the gate. There will only be one cash gate available, so avoid long lines by purchasing extra tickets in advance on GoFan.
Want some more excitement? MAE students will be allowed to run across the football field with their parents before the game starts. Runners, please meet at the South gate under the video board at 6:15 pm. Children must have an adult running with them. Note: Your student must be accompanied by at least one adult during the game - no drop-offs. Pre-game starts at 6:00 pm. The game starts at 7:00 pm.
MAE is also selling t-shirts during the first half of the game!

Congratulations to our yearbook cover design winner--Patreal Lindsey Jr from Mrs. Arnold’s 2nd grade class!


Yard signs, t-shirts, and PTO memberships are on sale at the Jag Store. To shop, go to
