April Jag Blast

Dear MAE Families,
I am looking forward to a wonderful spring with all of our students. Hopefully the weather will be nice so that our students can enjoy some outdoor learning time at school and at home for our 4th 9 weeks of instruction. Because the instruction we do in the 4th 9 weeks is critical for our students’ continued success, let’s give 100% until the very end of this school year. Please make sure your student arrives before 7:30 each morning. Very few of our families are taking advantage of our car rider lines between 7:00-7:15. Most families are waiting until closer to the bell, and it is just impossible to get all of the cars through before the bell. We start each day with Number Corner in all of our classrooms. This fun and engaging school-wide routine focuses on students’ number sense, and we need all of our students and the staff members working the car rider lines in class ready to start this at 7:30. Remember to send your student with a clean, comfortable mask each day and their charged device. Doing so prevents us from having to disrupt our student’s learning time. Also, please continue your efforts at home with reading and homework. Thank you for all of your support in these areas. As always, if you have any questions, ideas or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to partner with you and ensure your child gets the very best learning experience possible.
Melissa Philley
Better Together at MAE
Arts on the Avenue

Arts on the Ave will be virtual this year and will celebrate the art program at MAE.
More information to come later!

April 1
AR Spirit Cart
April 1
60% Day
April 2
Easter Holiday – No School
April 5
Distance Learning
April 8
Report cards go home
April 12
PTO Meeting
April 20
Volunteer Appreciation Day
April 21
Administrative Professionals’ Day
April 22
Arts on the Avenue (Virtual)
May 1
Principal Appreciation Day
May 3
PTO Meeting
May 3 – 7
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 5
May Teacher Luncheon
May 7
Cafeteria Workers Day
May 11
Retirement Reception
May 14
2nd Grade Wax Museum
