January Newsletter

Happy New Year, MAE! It’s resolution time!! Here at MAE we know that the time we invest in our students is never a waste. The lessons we provide and the interactions we create for them help them become the people they were born to be. Because of this, we resolve to use 2020 to pour as much as we can into each child at our school. We resolve to show them our HEART in all that we teach, in all that we say, and in all that we do. Our students deserve our very best and that is what we resolve to give to them. As we enter the 3rd 9 weeks, please continue all of your effective routines and reading and homework routines at home. Report cards will be issued January 9th, and we will be setting up at-risk conferences the last two weeks of January. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s performance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any point in this 9 weeks. Once again, Happy New Year. Melissa Philley

We’re kicking off the New Year with our spring FUNdraiser featuring everyone’s favorite mouse to support the arts at MAE. We’re excited to continue our raffle fundraiser that boasts a grand prize of a $5,000 Disney travel voucher to any Disney destination as well as lots of exciting incentives for the students who sell raffle tickets. For over 15 years, MAE has been a model school for a self-sustaining art integrated program in our county and state. Working together, through the support our wonderful parents and their fundraising efforts, our PTO has been able to sustain & supplement our arts program.
Packets will be coming home January 24th that will include all needed information for the fundraiser and one book of ten tickets. Tickets may also be purchased online at www.maeraffle.com and your child will be credited for his or her sales through this website. Raffle sales will go through Friday, February 7th. Follow us on Facebook (MAE PTO) for updates and links to share with friends and family. In addition to the grand prize, the following prizes will be offered to the students who sell the raffle tickets (one book includes 10 tickets):
Sell One Book: Extra Recess (with special snack)
Sell Two Books: Glow Dance Party
Sell Three Books: Chick-Fil-A lunch at school
Sell Four Books: Trip to Skyzone
Top Class in the School: Cookie Cake Party
Sell the Winning Ticket: Orange Leaf Gift Card
Overall Top Seller: Gift Card to Malco
Winning Teacher: Duty Free Lunch and special gift
Collection dates will be Friday, January 31st and Friday, February 7th. Additional ticket books can be requested at any time during the two week period.
Thank you in advance for all of your help and for being the heART OF MAE!
Price will increase February 1, 2020

SAVE THE DATE for this year's Arts on the Avenue.
This annual event will be a bit earlier this year and will be held on Thursday, April 2nd from 5:00-7:30. Students are working hard learning about and creating art projects inspired by different times in the history of art.
We can't wait for you to see their work!
Upcoming Events
January 9th - 2nd AR Event
January 17th - 100th Day of School
January 21st - MLK Holiday NO School
January 23rd - College Day
January 24th - Career Day
January 24th to February 7th - Spring Raffle Fundraiser
February 3rd - PTO Meeting @ 11:30

Visit our website for a list of upcoming events!

Like Madison Avenue Elementary PTO on Facebook for updates, information and glances into life at MAE!