September Newsletter

The MAE Scholastic Book Fair is September 16-20. We are in need of volunteers to serve as cashiers and shopping helpers. You can sign up to help HERE. Save the Date for our After School Shopping Event Monday 9/16 from 4-6 p.m. in the MAE Library.
Save the Date for our Grandparent's Day Events. Grandparents may join their grandchild during his or her regularly scheduled lunch time and shop the Scholastic Book Fair together immediately following.
Kindergarten- Tuesday 9/17
1st Grade- Wednesday 9/18
2nd Grade- Thursday 9/19
Check out MAE's Scholastic Book Fair Webpage by clicking HERE and set up an eWallet for your student.
eWallet is a secure, cash-free, digital way for your student to shop the book fair. Simply create a free account, preauthorize a spending limit and have funds immediately available.
From Our Principal
Dear MAE families, Thank you for a smooth start to the school year. The students have adjusted to their new routines nicely and are ready for the academic rigor September will bring. September will also bring a few special events including our Scholastic Book Fair, Dot Day, Arts in the Classroom Week and our annual canned food drive. Our AR program will kick off on Tuesday, September 3rd for 1st and 2nd graders. K parents, your students will begin our AR program in January. Our AR program is an optional incentive for our students to help them develop reading stamina, comprehension skills and a general love for reading to learn. Developing strong readers is very important to all of us at MAE. Because of this, we ask that all parents set aside time each night for student reading. This includes reading to or with your student. The research is clear. Kindergarten through second grade students want and need to enjoy great books with others. Students who are read to at home outperform their peers who have not been read to at home. The time you spend discussing great books or reading to and with your student will never be wasted. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure that each student develops a life-long love for reading and the reading skills necessary for future success. Now that our lunch expectations have been established, parents are invited to join us for lunch each Wednesday and Thursday. We arrange for extra lunches and tables for those days to accommodate all of our extra guests. Please be sure to report directly to the front office when you enter for lunch or for any other occasion during the school year. We will ask that you sign in and wait for your student to meet you in the front office or lobby. Thank you again for all of your support this school year. If Mr. B or I can ever be of any help to you, please reach out to us. MAE is Where the HEART is, and it is our hearts’ desire to provide the very best educational experience for your student. Melissa Philley, Principal Madison Avenue Elementary 1199 Madison Avenue Madison, MS 39110 601-856-2951

Join us for Spirit Night at Orange Leaf on
Thursday, September 5, 2019 from 2:30 p.m.- close.
The class who has the most participation that night will win a classroom mini-grant from the night's proceeds, and 20% of the night's sales will be given back to our school!
Thank you, Orange Leaf!
Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader (AR) kicked off Friday, August 30, with the Reading Rally led by the MCHS cheerleaders. All 1st & 2nd grade students started AR on Tuesday, September 3. Students who reach their goal for the 9-weeks will be invited to an exciting event and have their picture placed on a bulletin board outside the library. A brochure with information about the AR program will be sent home with students soon. Kindergarten students will begin AR in January.

Please join us in celebrating International Dot Day on Thursday, September 12th. The book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds teaches us to celebrate the creativity that lives in all of us! Please allow your children to wear clothing with dots on September 12th in honor of this special day. For more information about International Dot Day go to
"Just make a mark and see where it takes you!"
- Peter H. Reynolds
Madison Avenue Night at MCHS
MAE Night at MCHS is September 13, 2019. This is our school's night to run out on the football field before the game. More information will be sent home with your student.

Canned Food Drive
MAE is pleased to take part in the Jag Zone's annual fight against hunger! During the week of Sept. 16-20, students are encouraged to bring canned goods to school for donations. On Friday, Sept. 20, we will stop accepting cans at 9:00a.m. The top 3 classes (one from each grade level) who donate the most canned goods will receive a popsicle party!
2nd Grade Fairy Tale Ball
Our 2nd grade Fairy Tale Ball will be September 20. Students should come to school dressed in their costumes. Unfortunately, our ballroom isn't large enough to accommodate parents, but parents are welcomed to line up in the front parking lot to watch the parade. The parade will begin promptly at 7:45 a.m.

Save the Date- Donuts with Dad 7:30-8:00
Students are invited to bring their dad, uncle, grandfather, or another special adult guy in their lives for donuts in the school cafeteria. Mark your calendars; we hope to see you there. More details to follow.

Upcoming Events
September 5
Spirit Night at Orange Leaf
September 9
PTO meeting, 11:30
September 12
Dot Day
September 13
MAE night at MCHS game
September 16-20
Canned Food Drive
September 16-20
Book Fair
September 20
Fairy Tale Ball (2nd grade)
October 1
Donuts with Dad, 2nd Grade, 7:30 a.m.
October 2
Donuts with Dad, 1st Grade, 7:30 a.m.
October 3
Donuts with Dad, Kindergarten, 7:30 a.m.