MAE Jag Blast, May 2023

Message from the Principal:
Dear MAE Families, May is going to be an amazing month for us, and we can’t wait to make some more special memories with your children! This month will fly by. Please help us make the most of the time we have here by arriving on time, not checking your child out unless it is necessary, and ensuring a good night’s sleep each night. We will be sending lot of information out this month so also be sure to check your child’s folder each night. Summer work packets and supply lists for next year will come home the week of May 15. The PTO is working on an Edukit option so be on the lookout over the summer for more information on that. Our final day of the school year is May 24. It is a 60% day with dismissal procedures beginning at 11:20. Please complete any early checkouts by 11:00 on that day so that we can make room for the buses. Report cards will be issued on May 24th to students. If your student is not attending on the 24th, you can plan to pick the report card up over the summer beginning on Friday, May 26. This allows us time to organize remaining report cards for pick up. Thank you for your continued support and all you have done to make it such an amazing year. We appreciate you and are so grateful to be a part of your lives!
Melissa Philley Principal Madison Avenue Elementary 1199 Madison Avenue Madison, MS 39110 601-856-2951

Ahoy, Mateys!
Look at all we've spied at MAE in the next few weeks!
May 9th--Muffins with Mom for 2nd Graders at 7:45 a.m.
May 10th--Nurse's Day
May 10th--Muffins with Mom for 1st Graders at 7:45 a.m.
May 11th--Muffins with Mom for Kindergarteners at 7:45 a.m.
May 17th--cut off for AR test completion for the last AR Event
May 19th--AR event

May 22nd--Field Day
May 23rd--Kingdom Celebration
May 24th--Last Day of School (60% day); report cards distributed

A sign-up Genuis to help with Field Day on May 22, 2023 will go out next week! Be on the look-out for more details about this fun, end of year event!


The MAE PTO is getting organized for the 2023-2024 school year. (It will be here before we know it!) This is a great time to plan how you would like to be involved! Whether you have a lot of time to give or only a tiny bit here and there, there is a place for you. If you are interested, please email

Yard signs, t-shirts, and PTO memberships are on sale at the Jag Store. To shop, go to
