November Newsletter

Dear MAE Families,
I want to thank all of our parents and family members for the support you have shown MAE so far this year. The Fall Cheese Straw Fundraiser was a HUGE success! We will use the profits of this sale to purchase a large shade for the playground area. We will also bank some of the profits to purchase a digital sign for our entrance.
I also want to thank you for supporting us in our goal of academic excellence. We will continue to support and challenge our students each day, and we ask that you do the same. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we will work to ensure that all of our students meet their academic potential.
We look forward to seeing you at our Thanksgiving celebrations this year. First and second grade students will enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal during their normal lunch time on Thursday, Nov. 21st. Each student may invite two adults to join them. We hope that you will choose to join us and that you will purchase a tray from our cafeteria. We have been focusing on our menu and would love to have our students and family members try some of our delicious recipes. Kindergarten will participate in their annual Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 22nd. Our Thanksgiving Break will begin at dismissal on the 22nd. School will resume Monday, December 2nd.
Thank you again for your commitment to and support of our school. We are so thankful that you and your family are a part of the MAE family.
Melissa Philley

Holiday Heirloom orders close on November 1 at 11:59 pm!! Don't miss out; order yours HERE!


Please click HERE to help us thank our veterans and their families for their service. Thank you!

Please sign up to help us sort and distribute Mississippi Cheese Straws. Sign up HERE.

ORDERS ARE NOW OPEN for MAE's Fall Apparel.

Check out our new shirts, hoodies, caps
and bows HERE! These are pre-order ONLY. Orders will be delivered before Christmas break.

Have you purchased your yearbook?
No extras will be ordered, so click HERE to purchase yours today!!

Upcoming Events
Nov. 4 - PTO Meeting, 11:15 am
Nov. 8 - 2nd Grade Program
Nov. 12 - Veterans Day Program, 9:00 am
Nov. 13 - 1st Grade Field Trip
Nov. 15, 18, 19 - Cheese straw sorting/distribution
Nov. 21 - 1st & 2nd grades Thanksgiving meal
Nov. 22 - Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
Nov. 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break

Visit our website for a list of upcoming events!

Like Madison Avenue Elementary PTO on Facebook for updates, information and glances into life at MAE!